Posts Tagged ‘Goodhalo’

Chapter 20…And I’m Sorta Bored.

*spoiler free zone*


Well, I’m truckin’ my way through Harry Potter 7 and I’m going to be honest: I’m sort of bored with it. I won’t give any spoilers or anything like that, but I kind of thought it started with a bang and it feels like Ms. Rowling has just sort of padded the middle with stuff that …

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Things That Have Happened Recently

Little TKT in a rare moment of charity, 7.4.07

I gotta prepare my latest entry in the Thursday 13 series, so I’ll hit you up with some quickies.

1. Dyed my hair. Got sick of looking like my dad, so I darkened it up. Funny thing. People would always comment on my graying hair (you look so distinguised!). So far …

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Plate? Not Full Enough, Apparently.

Yo, yo, yo.

Well, I did something that might be construed as kind of stupid yesterday. You know that company that’s going to publish my wee little book next January? Well, they’ve told me that I’m welcome to submit ideas for future books and/or series and well, I sort of just came up with like 3 different series ideas.

Yeah. …

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Goodhalo Progress: 13,172 words.

I think I’ll call it a night.

On the set of: ART OF WAR. Trying to learn my lines. 6.3.07

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So What The Heck Is…


I know this is the big, burning question of the day.
(Even if it isn’t, pretend it is. It’ll make me feel that much more better and…you know, important)

Goodhalo is my first attempt at writing YA/Fantasy/Horror. That is to say, it’s the new book I’m writing for the Young Adult crowd. I sort of think I’ve got a …

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So Maybe Not So Much


I ended up getting that rejection from Michael Bourret this morning, which led me to realize a couple of things:

1. He must’ve REALLY been intrigued by the concept of my book. There are people that’ve been waiting for months to hear back from him and as far as I can tell, they’re still waiting.

2. He probably read …

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