Posts Tagged ‘babies’

Jacob Alexander Troupe

He’s here! Our ‘little’ guy came at 10:46am 1/14/09, clocking in at 9lbs, 14oz!!!

I’ll blog all about it when I’m not so tired. If you do Facebook (which you should…), check out my page for a boatload of pictures. Friend me if you haven’t already.

TKT’s Facebook Page

Otherwise, here’s a shot to tide you over!!!

My hero and…

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On the Brink of Fatherhood…Take 2

So, it doesn’t sound like my new son is going to show up early as Laura’s doctor predicted. To say it’s been a little tense around the House o’ Troupe would be putting it lightly. I mean…everything’s ready. His room is all set up and ready for him to come and not notice it until he’s…oh, around three or so. …

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