Archive for the ‘General’ Category
Thursday 13 – Version 2.0
Week 2 and I’m already slacking. Hey, as long as it’s done before Friday…am I right? Of course I am. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. So, here goes.
This week is: Worst Excuses For Not Posting My Thursday 13 On Time
1. “I Was Saving Like, Twenty Infants From A Burning Building.” Seriously. Didn’t you see that on …
Happy 4th o’ July!
Little TKT lounging in style on our nations b-day.Okay, so I cheated and back-dated this post to make it seem like I’m a better blogger. I’m not. There’s no getting around it.
Anyway, had a decent day. We installed a screen-door on the front of our house (oooooh!) and spent the evening at my brother’s house in Hudson, Wisconsin. …
Lil’ Post
Not much new and exciting here today.
Okay, that’s not entirely true.
I got a request for a full read of my old baby Travis & the Magic Sandbox. Pretty exciting. I decided to see if I had any new luck and lo and behold…BAM! An agent I have much, much respect for decided it sounded fun and wants …
Hey Party People. What up?
If you were looking for my very first Thursday 13, it’s right here. You could, you know, scroll down and see it, but I know some of y’all are all about the convenience. Me? I love a good value.
Actually, I just like the word ‘value.’ Try it out a couple times. Value. Vaaaaaluuuuue.
Okay. …
Thursday Thirteen – Version 1.0
Since I dig a lot of the other Thursday 13 lists I’ve seen, I thought I’d throw my dumb ol’ hat in the ring. Hats off to Loretta for making the sweet barcode graphic.
My First Thursday 13: Kids Book Titles You’ll Never See
1. Dragons Only Eat the Ugly Kids – Chronicling the misadventures of Stinky the Dragon who …
Plate? Not Full Enough, Apparently.
Yo, yo, yo.
Well, I did something that might be construed as kind of stupid yesterday. You know that company that’s going to publish my wee little book next January? Well, they’ve told me that I’m welcome to submit ideas for future books and/or series and well, I sort of just came up with like 3 different series ideas.
Yeah. …
Good News, Good News…
(the subject line is to be read like Roscoe P. Coltrane from the Dukes of Hazzard)
Well, I fired out a couple more queries today and lo and behold…
One stuck.
An agent (who shall remain nameless for now) replied within an hour and a half with this nice message:
Dear Thomas, I would love to read this story. What …
Magnetic Poetry Bandit Part 2
Okay. Remember this post?
Chances are you missed it. You were probably so enraptured with my 1990 mullet that you didn’t scroll down and read the previous post from that day. Go ahead and read it now. We’ll wait.
All caught up? Good.
Well, I returned to my miserable little cubicle farm today to see what hijinks the people messing …
8 Things About Me Meme
I got tagged by Stephanie at Adventures In Writing.
Here are the rules:
a. Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves.
b. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
c. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and …
You Ready To Rock???
Well, I’ve posted this a long time ago on a blog that has long-since been deleted, so forgive me (Stan) for putting this baby back out into the Blog-o-sphere.
The date: Sometime in Spring of 1990 The place: Mounds View, Minnesota The subject: Thomas Kingsley Troupe – High School Senior The hair: Mullet The expression: Teen-angst The sweater: Orange The…