Archive for the ‘General’ Category

GOODHALO – Draft 1: Complete

Strike up the band, y’all. My 4th full-length book, Goodhalo, is finally done. It began back in early April of this year, immediately following the completion of The Short Bus Journal. My goal was always to get it written over the summer.

Considering summer ‘officially’ ends in less than 6 days, I’m waaaay happy that I reached my goal.


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How cool is it that my little word meter thing shows my word count BLASTING through my previous estimate of 75,000 words? I’m tempted to adjust it to 90,000 or 100,000 (which is more realistic) but I sort of like that it’s continuing past the edge of the thingy-ma-jig.

I swear. It doesn’t take much to amuse me.

Cinema Nugget: …

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There’s another post beneath this one, but in case you’re tired of hearing about my ‘dumb ol’ book’, I thought I’d give you a glimpse into what happens when you put two brothers (whose last names happen to be ‘Troupe’) into one of those old-time photo booths.

Please note, I can hardly ever take a decent picture.

Shot 1: My …

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I Gots To Work On My Pitch

So, here’s something:

While on the way home from a fire call this weekend, my friend TJ asked me about my books. I, of course asked him which one…you know, since I have so many that are stacking up in my office.

He sort of shrugged and said, “The one you’re staying up late and working on. You know, the …

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Thursday 13 – Version 9.0

Ahhhh, Thursday. Where have you been, my friend? What’s that? I missed you last week? You’re right. I did. I suuuuure did.

This week’s Thursday 13: 13 Words I’m Not Fond Of

1. Slacks – Who the heck still calls the things you drape on your legs ‘slacks?’ Is that even legal to say that anymore? I had a friend …

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Catch Up

I swear I haven’t fallen off the face of the planet. I’ve just been working REALLY hard on getting my book into a 1st draft that I feel good about. I think I’m a week away from that happening. That’s not so bad.

In the last few days, I’ve had some major stuff happen in GOODHALO.

To be vague:

– …

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Tagged – 8 Little Facts About Me

My good friend and fellow writer Jillian (The Write Way Home) tagged me with a little game where I’m supposed to come up with some factoids about myself. I’ve got some downtime between training classes, so I thought I’d see if I can’t pump out stuff that’s somewhat fascinating (riiiight…) and interesting (sure…) about your ol’ pal, TKT.

First, here …

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Closing In

Well, I’m getting ever-closer to getting my work-in-progress GOODHALO done. While I don’t know that 75,000 words will finish it off, I do see the end of this first book in sight. I have a feeling it’s going to take 90,000 to get it told and that I probably won’t be able to finish it by September 1st.

That’s totally …

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Thursday 13 – Version 8.0

Once upon a time, I was a different kind of writer, not just stuff for kids and young adults. I used to write horror stories, dark comedies, and just plain stupid stories that really had no business ever being printed, let alone typed out. While most would hide their previous efforts in the trash bin or have a nice bonfire, …

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Got an e-mail from the agent I was hoping was ‘the one’ today.

Writer-Insider Factoid: When you get an e-mail from an agent who has a full copy of your book, it’s not good news. It usually means they’re not going to snap you up and find that multi-book deal.

Such was the case today. It sounds like she liked …

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