This Guy.
Yo, yo Tappers!
Remember when you used to come to this blog and there’d actually be something to read? Yeah…I do. I mean, I remember when I used to have time to write some stuff on here. I blame it on GOODHALO II. I barely have time to think, let alone hit you with all the useless news you don’t …
Goodhalo II – Progress
Hey, I’m going to do my best to not be all boring and tell you how I’m doing on my current work in progress. So, I’ll be uber-brief.
GOODHALO II is over halfway done.
Check the progress bar, suckas.
It’s rough, it’s nasty…but it’s gonna be one heckuva story.
Tommy likey.…
Seriously…this week has been awesome from a mail perspective. I know I’m gonna raise my geek flag WAAAAY high, but I got some parcels in the mail that just about made August the BEST MONTH EVER.
Even though I’m wasn’t a big fan of the new Indiana Jones movie, I bought a bunch of the action figures (don’t hate) …
A Quick "I’m Not Dead" Post
Hi. I’m not dead. I swear. I’ve just been sooo wrapped up in writing Goodhalo II that I sort of put the ol’ bloggity blog on the back-burner.
You forgive me, right?
No? I’ll send a refund.
Here are 10 quick…and I mean QUICK things that have happened and will likely discuss in further detail coming up. Yeah…consider this like …
Mom Won’t Shave Me, Jesus Can’t Save Me
Before anyone gets too bent out of shape, the subject line is made up of lyrics from the Eels song ‘Dog Faced Boy.’ It seemed fitting, given my current facial situation.
Yes. It’s 1 Week into the Great Mustache Growing Contest of 2008. While I can’t say I’m enjoying this little trip, I can tell you a few things I’ve …
Fire on the Sun
That’s part of the question my kid (Travis) asked of Laura the other day.
“Mommy, is there fire on the sun?”
I don’t know about you, but that sounds like the greatest name for an album ever. If only I could, you know, play an instrument, write songs…that kind of thing.
Well, that random Travis-ism isn’t the reason I’m wasting …
37 Odd Fact Nuggets About TKT
This was snagged by Steph when she did it a couple o’ days ago. I liked her answers, so I thought: What the hay… You should do it, too. Seriously. Do it.
1. Do you like blue cheese? Gosh, no. Do people actually eat that garbage?
2. Have you ever smoked? Never have, never will. Not even the mary-wanna.
3. …
Unattainable Goal?
What it is, Tappers. What. It. Is.
So, I’m trying to set myself a goal for writing the much anticipated (well, I’M anticipating it!) next book in the GOODHALO series. And here is/are the catch(es):
1. I’m trying to get it drafted by the end of September.
2. I think it’s going to be 100,000 words or so.
3. I …
Yes, Please.
Gosh, I really need a new t-shirt. I think I found the one.
Check ’em out at
Update: Dang. They’re sold out of like…all of ’em. Could there be a zombie uprising in the works?…
Puffy the Pancake Slayer
I really should be putting fingers to keys and getting all the stuff in my head down in an IDEA PIT for Goodhalos II & III. But dang it, I made a promise to my reading audience a while back about the love of a certain breakfast ball and I’ll be danged if I’m not going to stick to it.…