Things I See Whilst Walking in St. Paul
Every Tuesday, I park at a remote lot in downtown St. Paul and walk about 9 blocks to the building where we have a meeting. Sure, they send a bus to take us to and fro, but sometimes I just need to bond with my iPod (Robotron 2.0).
As I walk, it’s like a mini music video that no one …
4 Years. 4 Weeks.
4 Years
First and foremost, today is Travis’s birthday. My oldest little guy is 4 years old today. Seriously…4 years. Just like that. I’m amazed it’s already been that long and though it’s cliched to say, it’s stunning how quickly time passes. We were just at the hospital, feeding the little cone-headed dude. Like it was yesterday.
But alas, we …
I (Heart) Drug Addicts.
Well, as you may have guessed, life around the House o’ Troupe is quite busy these days. Little Jake is growing like you wouldn’t believe. He’ll be 4 weeks old on Wednesday and he’s already wearing clothes made for 3 month old punks. Sheesh. The kid is going to be a brute.
But, we’re adjusting fairly well since his …
Hey Brother!
Big Jake. 6 days old.Seriously. My new kid hasn’t been here for over 2 weeks already. Has he? Seriously? Must be. I went back to work yesterday and I’m just stunned by how quickly the time has flown. It’s frightening, actually.
If someone’s got the spare time and the funding, I’ve got a research project idea. Let’s see if …
Jacob Alexander Troupe
He’s here! Our ‘little’ guy came at 10:46am 1/14/09, clocking in at 9lbs, 14oz!!!
I’ll blog all about it when I’m not so tired. If you do Facebook (which you should…), check out my page for a boatload of pictures. Friend me if you haven’t already.
TKT’s Facebook Page
Otherwise, here’s a shot to tide you over!!!
My hero and…On the Brink of Fatherhood…Take 2
So, it doesn’t sound like my new son is going to show up early as Laura’s doctor predicted. To say it’s been a little tense around the House o’ Troupe would be putting it lightly. I mean…everything’s ready. His room is all set up and ready for him to come and not notice it until he’s…oh, around three or so. …
Writing Round-Up
Well, it’s New Year’s Eve and while I’d love to do a retrospective ‘Year that Was…’ I ain’t gonna. At least, not yet. In the meantime, I’m all giddy about some writing stuff. First and foremost…
GOODHALO II – Is done! It’s done, done, done! Well, at least the first draft anyway. It’s length shattered any previous records held by …
In Case You Missed It…
My dumb Christmas post (below) knocked the super sweet picture of Pious Goodhalo (from my book) a little further down on my blog, so I wanted to give you a chance to marvel at the amazing Nathan Malvig’s work by clicking here:
Word on the streets? He’s gonna do a picture of Pi’s best friend Gort Vondras next.
I. …
A Very Troupe-y Xmas
Happy Holidays fans of blogs!
I was going to write about this the day it happened, but you know how it goes…
First of all, we’d went out to get our Christmas Tree a few weeks back. We decided to skip cutting it down ourselves (have you done this? it’s awful. plus, I feel like I’m murdering a tree) and …
Pious Goodhalo has a face!
Hey kiddos! Well, it’s probably one of those things that’s only exciting for me, but I just can’t help but decorate the halls of Tappity Tappity with this anyway.
Did I mention that I had an artist friend who was interested in beefing up his portfolio? Did I mention that this friend also happens to be my barber? Yes…the same …