I Hate Tuesdays (well, most of it anyway)
It was one of those days that sort of punched me in the snotbox and only occasionally let me up for air.
I’m talking about today. Tuesday. June 23rd. 2009.
Yes. Tuesday.
It’s the hottest day of the year today. I woke up this morning and knew it was going to be sticky and gross. Minnesota. Land of 10,000 lakes …
48 Hour Film Project – Part 3 (Sunday & Screening)
Well, mercifully, this post shouldn’t be as long as the last couple. Sorry ’bout that. Suffice it to say, there’s a lot that goes into these goofy little films we make. What I posted yesterday? That was about a fraction of the hijinx that happened on the set of good ol’ FutureSand.
When we last left our heroes…
I …
48 Hour Film Project – Part 2 (Saturday)
It’s Saturday morning…who’s gonna play with me??? 6 in the morning baby, I gotta long day ahead of me.
The Music Box Theater. Our home for 12+ hours…
I swear that was the song (by the Eels) playing in my head when I woke up ready to tackle our movie. The script for FutureSand was done and all I had …
48 Hour Film Project – 2009 – PART 1 (Friday)
Greetings! (echo, echo…)
Well, it’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since High School Drifter was shot and shown at the Riverview Theater, but it’s true! I’ve been busy this last month getting ready for this year’s showdown and last night with about 4 minutes to spare, we got our newest film completed and turned in to compete …
Where You Been, TKT?
Friends of the Interwebsticles,
It’s been a murderous few weeks…nay, month or so. I won’t regale you with the details but they include:
– A weekend of being Mr. Mom (while Laura was sick with some evil flu)
– Editing ANNA 2.0
– Helping my uber-talented critique partner get her book ready for prime-time
– Work craziness
– Organizing our …
5 Years, Suckas…
April 24th, 2004
Mankato, Minnesota
It sure as heck doesn’t seem like 5 years, but here we are at our ‘Wooden’ anniversary. Who’s idea was it to come up with a material for the anniversary gift we’re going to give each other? Seriously. What am I supposed to do? Go out to the woodpile and find the nicest log I …
Boys Night
So tonight marks the first night I’ve been left home alone with both boys. You know, all by myself.
It hasn’t been so bad so far. Jake slept long enough for us to eat the pizza we ordered.
Travis made another masterpiece.
But the highlight? We bought a certain KC & the Sunshine Band song and Travis got his groove …
Star Wars Trilogy: Summed Up
So, if you’re reading this on Facebook, which doesn’t allow for the embedding of videos, you’ll probably want to skip over to www.tappitytappity.blogspot.com, my dumb blog to watch this:
Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn’t seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.
Classic quality of the highest order.…
Oh, hi!
Hey, hey, hey…
That’s supposed to be Fat Albert greeting you to another long-overdue post on the nearly defunct-ness that is my blog, Tappity Tappity. Thanks for stopping in.
Truth be told, I’m feeling like Fat Albert these days. Raising these kids is really knocking me off my working out gameplan. Really. It’s sooo dang tough nowadays to get out …