
This is a shot with 4 of the zombies and ‘Val’, who is a British Lass who gets killed later on.

Every homeowner’s worst nightmare:
Zombies on your driveway…

This poor gal is getting her arm eaten by ‘Jeff’
while ‘Art DeGuerra’ (Art of War) looks on.

There’s more to come. My character ‘Darryl’ is a conspiracy theorist/geek/Smashmouth enthusiast and …

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Good Times, Bad Times, You Know I’ve Had My Share…

Hiya Kiddos,

Well, I wish I was slapping up a new post up here to say that I got snapped up for agent representation over the weekend, but…I didn’t. In fact, the agent (HR) I thought was a ‘lock’ (if there is such a thing) was kind enough to let me down easy before the long weekend. She sent me …

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Local Author Reading?

Well, here’s something a little weird. A while ago the local newspaper did an article on me for the Woodbury Bulletin. I’d go into the particulars of how it went down, but it’s not all that interesting. Let’s just say a reporter caught wind that I was both a children’s author and firefighter and saw an angle for a story.…

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The Trappings of Filmmaking


In an effort to prove that I don’t just sit and obsess about the status of my manuscripts and future writings, I wanted to share with you a project that I’m going to be working on the first weekend of June.

A friend of mine is making a film called The Art of War. It’s a goofy comedy/action/horror movie …

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Anonymous Ban Lifted


I realized that the thousands and thousands of people flooding to read my blog entries might want to comment, but haven’t been able to can’t since I somehow had it set to only allow ‘Registered Users’ to comment.

To that I say: NO MORE!

So, if you’ve got something you want to say *cough* FacelessWords *cough, cough* go right …

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So What The Heck Is…


I know this is the big, burning question of the day.
(Even if it isn’t, pretend it is. It’ll make me feel that much more better and…you know, important)

Goodhalo is my first attempt at writing YA/Fantasy/Horror. That is to say, it’s the new book I’m writing for the Young Adult crowd. I sort of think I’ve got a …

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Fighting Fire With…Water

So I promised not to make this dumb ol’ blog just about writing and trying to find an agent and all that other stuff that would drive normal, casual blog-browsers to induce a coma unto themselves.

By god, I’m gonna stick to my guns.

So, I fought a fire last night. Yep. A good ol’ rip-roaring house fire. Well, it …

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Well, it’s not huge, but it sort of is to me, so I’ll post about it.

Remember that swell agent I mentioned a post or so ago? HR? Remember her?

Well, I got a request to send her my FULL manuscript yesterday. Considering she’s only the SECOND person to request it, I’m breaking into impromptu white-boy dances left and right.…

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Here’s Something Nice

I got a request for a ‘partial’ today from HR over at the Waxman Agency. She was totally nice in her e-mail request and included a personal story in the body of the message. It seems like a 1 in a million shot that I connected with her. Here is a highlight from the e-mail:

“I love this concept.”

I’ve …

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100 Things About Me…TKT

This will take me more than one sitting, so I’ll do what I can and add more as I think of ’em.

1. I have a 2 year old son. His name is Travis.
2. I’ve been married for 3 years. My wife’s name is Laura.
3. I was married before. Didn’t turn out. I won’t tell you her name.…

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