You Ready To Rock???

Well, I’ve posted this a long time ago on a blog that has long-since been deleted, so forgive me (Stan) for putting this baby back out into the Blog-o-sphere.

The date: Sometime in Spring of 1990 The place: Mounds View, Minnesota The subject: Thomas Kingsley Troupe – High School Senior The hair: Mullet The expression: Teen-angst The sweater: Orange The…

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Magentic Poetry Bandit

Hey. It’s. Tuesday.

I’m not a big fan of Tuesdays. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I’m on ‘squad’ at the fire station and typically we have training on Tuesday nights. I sort of like having nothing to do when I get home from a soul-sucking day at work, so the less I have to deal with when I’m …

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I Know, I Know, I Know

Happy Post Father’s Day!

Even though I got a couple o’ rejections over the last couple of days, it didn’t detract one iota from having a fantastic Dad’s day. We traveled to Mankato (southern Minnesota) on Saturday to visit the inlaws and spent a lot of time outside with Travis swimming in his pool and carrying on. Got some sun. …

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That’s Just Not Funny

More evidence that I need to get a job where I don’t have to leave my house.

In my little ‘cubicle farm’ I sit near a group of billing specialists. These are people who call on behalf of the hospital and ask people where their money is for that gall bladder they had removed or for that ear they re-attached …

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Puttin’ On The Ritz

As promised, here’s a shot of my little guy, Travis, at my cousin Troy’s wedding.

They rented one of those photo booth thingys where all you have to do is climb inside, put the glowing red button and it takes 3 pictures just like the old fashioned booths. Well, Travis figured it out in no time and whenever we turned …

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Got It Goin’ On.

I’ve never claimed to be hip & cool when it comes to listening to music. My choices for CDs and the like aren’t going to win me any kind of award for being original or awe-inspiring. I’ve even gotten in heated debates with friends outside of White Castle (waaay back in the day) about what I like to listen to.…

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Wedding Warrior

(pack a lunch for this post…)

Dang. Has it really been almost a week since I posted on this sucker? Crazy. Time flies when you’re waiting…waiting…waiting…

So, how’re things on your end o’ the world? Me? Not bad, not bad. I’d love to tell you all that my e-mail box (and mailbox for that matter) has been loaded with people …

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Goodhalo Progress: 13,172 words.

I think I’ll call it a night.

On the set of: ART OF WAR. Trying to learn my lines. 6.3.07

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Movie Magic & More

Well, Tappies, I’m on the back-end of a loooong 3 day movie shoot and I gotta tell you, this acting business isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Here’s a quick recap of the days.

Day 1: Took place in what looked like a haunted parking garage in St. Paul. It was my character’s BIG SCENE. What does that mean? …

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Now Back To Our Regulary Scheduled Program

Well, I’m quite certain that anyone who was interested in children’s literature who happened to stumble on my blog is running away in terror at the sight of all the zombies.

Hey, kids books aren’t all puppy dogs and cookies. You know?

So, I’ve sent out what seems like a bajillion more query letters out to prospective agents and have …

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