Chapter 20…And I’m Sorta Bored.

*spoiler free zone*


Well, I’m truckin’ my way through Harry Potter 7 and I’m going to be honest: I’m sort of bored with it. I won’t give any spoilers or anything like that, but I kind of thought it started with a bang and it feels like Ms. Rowling has just sort of padded the middle with stuff that …

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Rain & The Species Route

Okay, first and foremost: I can’t tell you how much it bugs me that my dumb ol’ Thursday 13 was formatted all weird. I tried and tried to fix it and make it all nice n’ pretty, but it just ain’t happening. If you know me in the least, you know how much it bothers me.

Hence, this post. I …

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Thursday 13 – Version 5.0

Well, the Blogger gods didn’t want this update to happen, but I fought the law and I sort of think I won. Speaking of fighting the law…that’s a great subject for this week’s Thursday 13!

Peep this: 13 Best Celebrity Mugshots

1. Rip Torn – “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!” Well, it doesn’t look …

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Props go out to Devas T. for helping me waste my lunch break today. He found the thing that lets you make a Simpsons version of yourself. It’s on It’s just what I needed to dwindle my free time here at work down to nothing!

Anyway, here I am:

Now, I know I’m not as buff as my Simpsons …

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Ugh. There’s nothing worse than being awakened by the sound of your cell phone. Especially when it’s 5:14 in the morning.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m used to waking up at really odd hours to answer EMT & fire calls, but the sound of my pager is definitely not as frightening as when my cell phone goes off when it’s…you …

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Thursday 13 – Version 4.0

Is it seriously Thursday again already? Dang. Time does have a way of flyin’ when you’re having (CHOOSE ONE: fun, your hair cut, to choose what flavor of Blizzard you want to enjoy at Dairy Queen, a coma, to spend it at a thankless full-time job)

It’s Thursday 13 time, y’all.

So here, for your…

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Things That Have Happened Recently

Little TKT in a rare moment of charity, 7.4.07

I gotta prepare my latest entry in the Thursday 13 series, so I’ll hit you up with some quickies.

1. Dyed my hair. Got sick of looking like my dad, so I darkened it up. Funny thing. People would always comment on my graying hair (you look so distinguised!). So far …

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Home Alone…Sort Of

Well, it’s true. I’ve got the whole house to myself for a couple of days. That’s not entirely true. My dog, Nigel, is here, too but he tends to just hang out on his own. He’ll park by a window, look out for a couple hours, hide out in his kennel, sleep, whatever.

He might be a cat. I need …

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Items From The Cube Farm

I brought my camera in to work today to take a picture of a friend. He wants to post his mug on, so I told him I’d help him out. What’re friends for?


Anyway, I thought I’d take some random shots of the dumb stuff in my cube. You can see whatI see when I’m not training those …

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Thursday 13 – Version 3.0

This time, I’m not messing around and posting my stuff late. It’s up and ready (BAM!) in the wee hours of the morning. But I’ll be honest. I’m putting my pride on the line this time around. I’m bearing my soul for the rest of the world (or at least the 3-4 people that read this) to take pot-shots at.…

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