
Got an e-mail from the agent I was hoping was ‘the one’ today.

Writer-Insider Factoid: When you get an e-mail from an agent who has a full copy of your book, it’s not good news. It usually means they’re not going to snap you up and find that multi-book deal.

Such was the case today. It sounds like she liked …

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At A Subway In St. Cloud

I thought about writing a big long post about the miserable weekend we had in St. Cloud, but I opted to instead recreate a snippet of dialogue generated by one of the funniest people I know: My two-and-a-half-year-old son, Travis.


The rain is coming down in St. Cloud like there’s an ark parked somewhere …

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Thursday 13 – Version 7.0

You know, it’s like my parent’s used to say. Time flies when you’re having fun. Huh. Last time I checked (and I’m at work) I wasn’t having fun. How is it that it’s ALREADY Thursday again?

Oh, well. This week’s Thursday 13? Thirteen Foods I Won’t Even Touch…Ever

I’m a picky eater. Yes, a proverbial pain in the a$$ when …

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Things I’m Looking Forward To…

Trying to kick out a full length novel over the course of a summer isn’t easy. Trying to do 60% of it in the last month is downright intimidating. Because August is Fast Draft Month for me and a slew of folks on the Verla Kay Blue Boards, I’ve given up a lot of stuff to make this happen.

When …

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Scaring Myself

It JUST started storming here in the great Midwest. I’m talking booming thunder, wicked lightning and hard rain pelting the window of my basement office. What better atmosphere to write the 2nd half of my fantasy/adventure/zombie fest GOODHALO?

It’s almost like nature decided to produce the ambiance just for me. I was just writing a wicked scene that (if they …

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Thursday 13 – Version 6.0

Well, after a week off from the ol’ Thursday 13, I thought I’d get back into the swing o’ things and see if I can’t hold onto the few people that still read my drivel.

Okay. This week: 13 Where Are They Nows?

1. Doug Llewelyn – Remember that snarky guy that would sort of irritate people after they lost …

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Nuggets O’ Fun

Dang. I feel like I’ve been letting my handful of readers down by not putting up posts as often. I know I said it’d be pretty thin this month, but I feel guilty. I know it drives me nuts to log into a blog I love only to see the same Title day after day after day…

So, I’ve compiled …

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To The Sound of Drumming…

I’m beginning to think I’m corrupting my kid.

A couple weeks back we bought him a couple of ‘fun daggers.’ They’re little foam swords perfect for fighting imaginary monsters…and for drumming.

Lately, that’s all Travis wants to do. He comes home from daycare and immediately he asks: ‘Where’s my swords?’ When he finds them, he locates the loudest possible source …

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Tough Night In Minneapolis

As I’m sure you’ve all heard, a significant bridge on 35W in Minneapolis collapsed at 6:05pm last night. I’m happy to say that I wasn’t anywhere near it when it went down nor were any of my friends or loved ones.

I missed the collapse by about 3 hours last night. What’s crazy is, I used that route to pick…

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Under Pressure…

Okay, so the fire’s been lit.

Yes, I’m talking about the one directly under my buttsteak. It’s time for me to move from talking about getting my 4th novel done and hammer this sucker out.

Here’s where I’m sitting: 20,685 words.

My goal? Have the dang thing finished. Somewhere around 75,000 words.

Can it be done? Absolutely.

That being said, …

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