
That last post was long, eh? Sorry about that. Sometimes I need an editor.

A lot of times I do.

So, to keep it brief today, I’m going to drop a link in here that has brought me all sorts of entertainment this morning. Now, you gotta know I’m not normally a link-posting, YouTube referring kinda guy. It’s gotta be …

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Firefighter Tales Vol. 1 – Stand-by for Steak

You know, I really, really wanted to do one post a day from Monday thru Friday, but I came up short one post. But, if you’re paying attention, you’ll notice I cheated. I rolled back the clock since this happened on Friday night. You dig?

Presenting… (what I’m sure won’t be a regular feature since I have the attention span …

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Swiper, No Swiping!

He’s not feeling good. It’s cold out. What better way to spend the night than sitting downstairs watching Dora the Explorer on DVD?

Side note: I’m starting to sense some recurring themes on this show.

  • They always have to get from Point A to Point B.
  • They always use that goofy Super Map guy to get the job done.
  • There’s

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Rejection + Comments = Love

Like a lot of things in my frantic world, this is long overdue.

I got a rejection card from Houghton Mifflin, oh…a month or so ago, but I just didn’t have the heart to talk about it. And it’s not because I had all my last hopes for THE SHORT BUS JOURNAL riding on their thumbs up or thumbs down. …

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Band/Album Generator

It’s Activity Corner here on Tappity Tappity!

Here’s a fun thing to do. Seriously. It’s addicting like Orange Tic-Tacs and giant bricks of crack cocaine. (Or so I’ve heard…)


1. The first article title on this page is the name of your band.

2. The last four words of the very last quotation is the title of your album.…

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Landmarks, Goals, Progress & 100 Pages

So, I hit kind of a big landmark last night and I’m pretty excited about it.

Despite the urging from my Nintendo Wii to go out and play Super Mario Galaxy for an extra hour, I pushed through and hit the 100 page point on my editing/red-penning of GOODHALO. While that might seem like nothing to most (or all) of …

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I’ll Take Potpourri For 500, Alex.

Because I’m trying to be a better blogger for 2008, I’m going to post something today. Also, there’s this whole thing with me not wanting to knuckle down and do any sort of work just yet. I’m sure you understand.

So, in typical TKT fashion, here are random nuggets that are looking for some air time.

Cell Phone – So, …

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The Customer Is Always…First?

Friends of books and stuff:

I was alerted by my wife that my former boss (we used to work together… my wife and I, that is) had pre-ordered a couple o’ copies of Patrick’s Super Socks last week and has ALREADY GOTTEN THEM in the mail.


Here’s the thing: I’ve got an advanced copy already, but I haven’t blogged …

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Dr. Travis & Mr. Troupe

There are days when I feel like the worst parent walking the Earth. The last couple of days have been no exception. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve made a grave mistake somewhere along the line and if my little fella Travis is going to be an only child.

I’m talking about potty training, folks.

The concept is simple. You …

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Hot N’ Dirty Holidays

Okay, so there’s nothing hot nor dirty about the holidays, but I thought that sounded a little more exciting than “My Christmas” or “Upcoming New Year Plans” or whatever. Before I get into my usual rambles, I gotta take a moment to acknowledge a very cool honor that’s been bestowed upon my humble lil’ blog. My friend from across the …

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