Nerdery Week: Day 2

Man…I’m taking a beating already! More than a few people (ahem!) said my desk was too neat n’ tidy and therefore they didn’t feel up to posting their nerderies for the world to see.

I cry FOUL!

Here’s the thing…I sort of have to have some order to my chaos otherwise I can’t get a lick of work done. On …

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Nerdery Week: Day 1

Well, it’s better late then never, right? I was in Madison, Wisconsin all weekend for a short getaway from life here in ol’ Woodbury. Anyway, no one cares about that. You know as well as I know that this is NERDERY WEEK here at Tappity Tappity and other blogs around the country/world/block.

Here, if you will, is a shot where …

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Red Lining Done!

In a bit or irony, I’ve finished red-lining GOODHALO. Sort of fitting on Valentine’s Day, eh? You know with the red and the zombies and the…


Anyway. It’s a big step toward being closer to getting this puppy ready for ‘prime time.’ As quick as I am with other parts of this process, technical editing is always (for me) …

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List O’ Rama

Sometimes I sit behind the mighty wheel of this here blog and I can’t for the life of me think of anything even REMOTELY interesting to write about.

Yeah, TKT. We can tell.

Quiet down anonymous voice that isn’t really saying anything.

So, for laughs, I’m going to list out stuff as of RIGHT NOW and someday I’ll look back …

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Happy Birthday Travis!

It absolutely FLOORS me that my little guy is 3 years old today. I swear, Laura and I were just getting used to feeding him, waking up at all hours of the night and wondering if we were in over our heads. Now, I can’t even imagine what it’d be like if this little fella wasn’t a part, if not…

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Steaming Pile of Stuff

Nerdery Week – It’s been decided, so mark your calendars. Nerdery Week shall take place on February 17th – 23rd. Seven days of complete nerdiness interconnected through this world we like to call the internet. You’ll meet new people! You’ll see where they sit! You’ll see all the garbage they keep in their respective workspaces!

But TKT, I’m still confused …

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Nerdery Week Is Coming!

Hello friends of blog-reading!

Sometimes an idea strikes you and you have no choice but to pull off the side of the road, hop out of the car and shout to the heavens:


Sometimes the ideas aren’t that great and you kind of shrug a little bit and say ‘eh’ while you make a left …

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It’s My Lucky Week!

Hi everybody.

Well, this is going to be short because I just realized I’m going to be very busy this week. Very busy SPENDING MONEY.

Also, I’m going to be quitting the writing thing as of today. Yeah. It was a pipe dream and kind of a waste of time if you ask me. Really, who wants to read books …

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Favorite Travis quote of late:

Me: Travis, we need you to take some of this cough medicine. C’mon, now.

Travis: No. Not the red stuff!

Me: Why not?

Travis: The red stuff makes me feel silly.

End Scene…

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Everything’s Comin’ Up Zombies

Today feels like a zombie-kind-of-day, friends.

How so, TKT?
I’m going to break it down for you.
  • I feel like a zombie today. Since I’ve got a 2 (almost 3!) year old who comes in contact with a handful of other kids on a daily basis, he picks up all sorts of fun germs/colds/etc. I got his cold and it

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