Contest! You Cool? Then Haiku!

People of the internet!

It’s time. Time to unleash my first contest here on good ol’ Tappity Tappity. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do to give away a copy of my little book Patrick’s Super Socks and due to budget and time constraints, I couldn’t do the super, awesome contest to end all contests that …

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Ogggg… OR I’m Tired: the Sequel

Good morning Tappers.

Hey, is that condecending? You know, that I call my (2-3) readers Tappers? There’s another blog I read sometimes and the author calls her readers a certain name and I sort of find it condecending a little bit. I don’t think it’s so much that she has a name for her readers as much as it’s the …

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I Feel I’ve Let You All Down. Yes, Even You.

Friends of the internet blog pages,

I apologize for my absence. It was like I showed up with promises of treats and other delights and left you hanging when I didn’t show up with the box of goodies on Thursday thru today. It makes me feel like I’m an awful person and not a man of my word.

Well, it’s …

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Oops, I Did It Again.

Man, what a dumb word: Oops!

“Oops, I accidentally dropped a 40 megaton bomb on the state of New Mexico.”

“Oops, I guess that pistol WAS loaded.”

“I just fired myself out of a cannon into a cauldron of hot, bubbly magma. Oops.”

Anyway, I just thought I should come right out and tell you that I don’t know when …

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Random Detritus

  • I have no idea why Cate Blanchett was nominated for her role as Bob Dylan in the movie I’m Not There. I didn’t see the film, but every clip that showed her ‘channeling’ Bobby D was, well…awful. Not for one second did I buy that she was Bob Dylan. To me it looked like a woman in drag trying (unsucessfully)

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Nerdery Week: Day 7

Better late than never, eh?

Well, I took a cue (and a hint) from Dan over at This Man’s World and I decided to follow his (and Wendy Withers) lead and throw a video post up there.

A couple things you should know:

– I hate the way my voice sounds
– I’m really not all that itchy under my …

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Nerdery Week: Day 6

Well, it’s becoming more and more aparent to me that stretching this Nerdery thing out over seven days is proving to be a little difficult. So, I’m going to pull stuff out of thin air and see if it comes up Nerdery.

That’s right. I’m pulling stuff outta the closet.

First off, this is the closet.

It’s just to the …

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Nerdery Week: Day 5

And the beat goes on…

Well, this will instantly align me with the millions of other nerds out there with similar tastes. You’ve probably gotten a whiff of it with some of the earlier entries for Nerdery Week.

My name is Thomas…and I am a Star Wars nerd.


Truth be told, I’ve been a geek/nerd/dork for Star Wars since …

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Nerdery Week: Day 4

Dang! Is it already Day 4? What the heck am I going to do with myself once Nerdery Week is in our rearview? How ever will we cope?

Somehow, I think we’ll manage.

You know, I don’t think I’ll promise that this installment will be shorter, because, let’s face it…they never are. So, pack a lunch or a snack and …

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Nerdery Week: Day 3

So, I’m going to try and make this not so long and convoluted. I think if I keep up the pace I’m at I’m gonna run out of nerdery to document.

I thought I’d take you in for a closer look at the shelf on my desk and all the nerdiness piled up there. Tomorrow we’re going to look at …

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