
Could you tell that my post title came from the ol’ Cranberries song? Remember that one? The one that had nothing to do with ZOMBIES?

Well, it’s yer ol’ pal TKT on the back side of a mad dash to spruce up the ol’ GOODHALO synopsis. It, along with an author bio (about yours truly), and a full 411 page …

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Week In Review…Er, on Tuesday…

Hey people!

Man, I was getting bummed out everytime I logged into my blog. Is it sad that I’m too lazy to add some of my blogs as favorites in Firefox and instead just got to the right hand column here on Tappity Tappity to get the job done? Yeah. I’m a strange creature of habit. Anyway…I need to get …

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Goodbye Mr. Conductor

Sort of a bummer today. George Carlin, one of my all-time standup comics, passed away last night. He was one of those guys you either ‘got’ or you didn’t and I think I definitely fell in the former category. I said, many years ago, that if he were to start up a religion, I’d probably be an altar boy at …

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High School Drifter…On YouTube?

Hiya kids.

Just a real quick update. I’ve had a lot of folks ask if I’ll be able to put High School Drifter (my new film) on YouTube.

The answer, unfortunately, is no.

And why, you might ask?

Well, it’s sort of complicated. Since we used a couple of SAG actresses in our film, we aren’t allowed ot post it …

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Seriously, Minneapolis. You’re Too Kind…

Hiya Tappers,

Well, it took every ounce of my strength not to rush home last night after the screening of “High School Drifter” and tell you how well I thought it went. We watched 11 short films last night. Some were really pretty good. Some were downright awful.

My little film (HSD) for short, played 3rd from the end. Not …

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Dun, Done, Dun, Done!!!

So, it’s Tuesday night here in ol’ Woodbury, Minnesota and I’m about as excited as a fella can get. I’m completely rested up from our mad-dash weekend of filmmaking and I’m so pumped about how things turned out, I just can’t stand it.

My new film (written and directed by yours truly) is called High School Drifter and it turned …

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Jack of All Somethings, Master of Whatevs

Hey there. You still hanging around this joint? Yeah? Well, let me slap your hand. Thanks for being there for me. Seriously, if you come to my house…Pancake Puffs. All you can eat.

And yes…I’m the worst. I’ve yet to show you the magic of P-Squared, but I assure you, once I make it through this coming weekend, all shall …

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Goodhalo – 4th Draft

It’s away!…

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Good for you… Good FOR you.

I can’t get the blog title to look like Chris Walken is saying it. I think it was from the movie ‘Envy’ with Ben Stiller, which I never saw.

Oh. Hi.

I finished Draft 3 of GOODHALO tonight. My hope is to have it to you beta reader types by Sunday sometime.

Fitting, isn’t it?

That means you…

– Mr. …

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Here’s something a lot of y’all probably didn’t know. A lot of people call me by my middle name, which is (as you may have surmised) Kingsley.

I know, I know. It almost looks like a hypenated last name. I’ve had plenty of people put my last name as Kingsley-Troupe, but that’s not right. Not even a little bit. My …

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